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Meet our team

We combine the highest technical expertise with business experience.
This is how cutting-edge research becomes ambitious company development.
Vadim Borisov, PhD
CTO (Founder)
Synthetic data generation pioneer.
Richard H. Schreiber
CEO (Founder)
Transdisciplinary Course Master Applied Economics / Business Administration, PhD Candidate.
Jun-Prof. Dr. Jonathan I. Brachthäuser
Technology Consultant (Founder)
Head of Software Engineering Research at University of Tübingen.
Philipp Schuster, PhD
COO (Founder)
Full Stack Developer & Programming Languages Designer.
Klara Prettl
Marketing and Design
MA General Rhetoric, Course Master Applied Marketing, More than six years of design experience
Pankaj Bora
Research Intern
Student Master of Machine Learning at the University of Tübingen